Blast Furnace Refractory Materials

Moving beam annealing furnaces improve the quality of the rolling mills, but also reduce fuel consumption. Although it is known that it is suitable for medium and large profile rolling mills, it is proved that walking beam annealing furnaces provide effective, safe and durable operating opportunities for small rolling such as 20-30 ton / hour.
Designs and manufactures complete refractory materials for girder annealing furnaces.
Grade   Description 
SÖRTAP A 35 R Resin Bonded Blast Furnace Taphole Clay Based on High Alumina Aggregates, Carbonaceous Materials and Silicon Carbide.
SÖRTAP A 35 RN Resin Bonded Blast Furnace Taphole Clay Based on High Alumina Aggregates, Carbonaceous Materials and Silicon Carbide.
SÖRTAP A 35 RNM Resin Bonded Blast Furnace Taphole Clay Based on High Alumina Aggregates, Carbonaceous Materials and Silicon Carbide.
SÖRTAP A 45 RS Resin Bonded Blast Furnace Taphole Clay Based on High Alumina Aggregates, Carbonaceous Materials and Silicon Carbide.
SÖRTAP R 01 Resin Bonded Blast Furnace Taphole Restorer Clay Based on High Alumina Aggregates, Carbonaceous Materials and Silicon Carbide.
SÖR RUN F2 Hydraulic Bonded ULC Castable Based on Fused Alumina, Silicon Carbide and Carbonaceous Additives For Blast Furnace Runner Systems.

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